KLAVIER KRIEGER - . : . SCONSACRATI INFANTI DI CIELO . : . The atmospheric black metal associations suggested by neologisms like ‘hellnoise’ and concepts like embracing the void in this album’s Sufi manifesto-like liner notes are not without relevance; but they’re more a part of the tapestry than the dominant motif. “The dark vibe to Klavier Krieger is an accident,” explains the artist behind the avatar (who wishes to remain anonymous for professional reasons) in an email exchange. “It just comes out dark because I’m carrying a lot of heavy shit that I keep a lid on. I’ve had friends give me skulls, robes, a human kidney, a monkey skull, weird shit like that as gifts, so it figures I’d find some use for it.” If there’s a spiritual ancestor for this release (available as download or cassette through the Bandcamp page linked below) it would be avant-metal guitarist Rev. Kriss Hades’ 2005 live album Paganini - Bloodlust - Static Age . Both are works by underg...