A SERIES DEDICATED TO FEATURING SOME OF THE BETTER POSTS FROM OUR PARENT BLOG, AETERNAL FLUX. Masterpieces of 70s TV Horror: 'Baby' from Nigel Kneale's Beasts More often than not, it's a losing game when the adult fan of horror-themed films and television tries to recapture childhood thrills. Images and concepts that were once deeply impressive are now mundane. Special effects or monster designs that a kid will buy into completely are an unconvincing rip-off to the grown-up who tries to rediscover their frisson . Rarely, a jewel with staying power can be found amongst the dross, rising above technical limitations or mediocre performances. During a recent YouTube search for BBC adaptations of M. R. James stories, I stumbled across a video package someone's put together of scenes from classic 70s British TV horror. At the end of the montage is the terrifying, culminating image of a teleplay that disturbed me profoundly whe...