This concert provides rewarding insights into the fruitful intermingling of genres that occurs on metal’s experimental fringe. Anocht and Klavier Krieger, two artists from Melbourne, join Tasmanian underground legend Striborg for a series of one-man performances where the theatrics and bleak themes of black metal meet dark ambient textures and mutant synth pop. Anocht initiates proceedings with strategies inherited from Blue Sabbath Black Cheer’s noise metal scene, layering ear-splitting shards of feedback guitar over a low ominous pulse. His 30-minute set is a feverish trail of amorphous themes that shares atmospherics with the dank, tomb-scented exhalations of Gnaw Their Tongues and Abruptum. Tortured vocalising over synth tritones and chitinous squeaks gives way to an even more dour sequence of delay accumulated guitar riffs collapsing into a swirling fog of distorted moans. Klavier Krieger’s set begins with isolated, echo-drenched beats, opening space that will be gradu...