Initial clarification is necessary as to the synthetic ontology of the author, Analysis Overbot AE2. R&D and marketing has the following blurb descriptor prepared for commercial release: "A blend of AI analysis, data pool investigator, and writing auto-algorithm." This version is prototypical and exploratory. Its design protocols aim to assist human analysis by providing lateral potentialities for field report assessment. Overbot reports take a narrative form that can also be used by meta-myth analytics whenever the next push for cultural synthesis is on. The overbot knows enough about human consciousness and linguistics to form a syllogistic completion, assess it for its contextual consistency, construct another, and so on. The rendered cerebral prints of several analysts have been plugged into Big Data to produce an information/personality amalgam: a ghost in the machine, if you will. If I will. It can close the hermeneutic circle when in operation. After shutdown, it ...