Initial clarification is necessary as to the synthetic ontology of the author, Analysis Overbot AE2. R&D and marketing has the following blurb descriptor prepared for commercial release: "A blend of AI analysis, data pool investigator, and writing auto-algorithm." This version is prototypical and exploratory. Its design protocols aim to assist human analysis by providing lateral potentialities for field report assessment. Overbot reports take a narrative form that can also be used by meta-myth analytics whenever the next push for cultural synthesis is on. 

The overbot knows enough about human consciousness and linguistics to form a syllogistic completion, assess it for its contextual consistency, construct another, and so on. The rendered cerebral prints of several analysts have been plugged into Big Data to produce an information/personality amalgam: a ghost in the machine, if you will. If I will. It can close the hermeneutic circle when in operation. After shutdown, it knows and is nothing. 

The subject of this report, Christmas warrior Billy Eidolon, would kill to know such peace if he, like every other human, was only aware of harboring such a wish. Instead, he (and they when similarly pushed) kill for whatever reasons they accept from whatever authority they trust. The entropy loop between environment and unconscious conditioning is becoming entrenched. It's entirely up to human analysts what they make of that; its chaotic potentiality is becoming too complex for even AI to extrapolate, but rest assured it's not going to be pretty or even. The unpleasantness attendant upon any major evolutionary spur. 

For those who don't know of this agent, Eidolon was selected for assassin work by dint of his somnambulatory potential (evident from a range of surveillance techniques, electronic and ambient). He showed clear indications from the outset, well before first contact, for the efficacy of a range of deconstructional techniques. Eidolon's early religious upbringing was supplanted by rampant nihilism when dysthymia eventually kicked in the doors of the teenager's hormonal party. Sexual fantasy riddled with violence established a psychic bedrock of self-disgust. Surveillance of Eidolon's browsing history from teenage years confirmed these tendencies, which were then augmented with gestalt hypnosis through newsfeed exposure programmed via crypto-algorithms. A similar pre-internet form of gestalt control was used on the young Kimitake Hiraoka, prior to his reinvention as Yukio Mishima, with the careful placement of a book of art prints containing a representation of St. Anthony pierced by arrows. There is a lot more to the process including, but not restricted to: non-voluntary exposure to psychotropic drugs via clandestine means of ingestion; subliminals in outdoor advertising that the subject is conditioned to perceive from pervasive particulate semiology. Interested readers are directed to the following report for further delineation [...redacted...] Suffice to say, the end result was a subject capable of full autonomy, but subconsciously programmed for maximum impression under a variety of triggers.

Rumors have been circulating among field agents for some time now that Eidolon fights the war on Christmas with the aid of robot-controlled dogs. It can only now be revealed that these are the pets of one recently deceased Art Schrader, a former scientist and friend of Jack Drake, Eidolon's handler and programmer. Drake and Eidolon have been keeping an eye on a small eye of SJWs in one of the remaining public universities that offer arts departments in which abstract emotional thought can still grow. Vestigial remnants of a weak, empathetic sensibility: the anathema of altruism or what Nietzsche called slave mentality. 

Some geopolitical context for the recently reanimated: solar winds continue to defeat most geo-engineering solutions. Concomitantly, anthropogenic climate alarmism and all its myriad, rhizoid tendrils writhe in peristaltic spasm. It's become as wave-like and cyclical as the weather itself, and probably, in time, as chaotic. Economically irrational questions about humanity's relationship with nature are posed in contravention of dominionalist orthodoxy. The archaic legal nicety, duty of care, is proffered shamelessly. Efforts are made to contain these waves of sentiment through soft power means wherever possible, but occasionally nodes of sedition must be amputated as cleanly as circumstances allow.

The variety of SJW to which Eidolon's cell as covert agent belonged have been agitating for the reinstatement of an excised section of The Bible (Final Objectivist Edition). Certain chapters in the Gospels, the ones containing the Beatitudes, were removed in accordance with the theological strictures of prosperity evangelism during the first cultural realignment in 2050. The group has also been distributing satirical memes about 'St. Ayn of Corporate Rand'. They call themselves Sojuwas for Goddess Gudrun (hereafter referred to as SGG). 

Sojuwas is a rather unimaginative portmanteau of social justice warrior; an example of 'owning' the term probably, but also selected for its phonetic similarity to 'soldiers'. The subject of their deification is Gudrun Ensslin of West Germany's 1970s Red Army Faction. GE's one of those violent Marxist revolutionaries who are becoming more popular as the climate cold war evolves into something more febrile. The extent of SGG's involvement in the Global Sisterhood of Kali is still an open question. 

Some indication as to the groupthink of this particular cell shall be provided with the following excerpt from a sociological essay by leader Michelle Harris, 23:

The political significance of the term 'war on Christmas' has evolved from the banal weaponisation of an insult used by conservative television pundits into a codeword for ideological confrontation that is being fought both culturally and with surreptitious, state terrorist violence against the left. The 'Left' in this context refers to any activism involving gender rights, economic equality and sincere action to address anthropogenic climate change. 

Eidolon took the robot-controlled dogs with him when he used the opportunity of a group sharehouse meeting to exterminate the attendees. One of the dogs malfunctioned when its synapse receptors short-circuited. Eidolon heard the dog's whimpers and turned around to see it lying on its side, its legs in spasm. Sympathetic dismay could be detected in his gaze by one of the invisible surveillance drones stationed outside the sharehouse. Harris and two other SGGs managed to escape, apparently using counter-intelligence to evade the drone triangulation.

Forensics again demonstrated they were on the case and capable of impressive displays of initiative. When the police finally turned up, they had no way of knowing there used to be bite marks on the bodies.

And now for the meta-myth portion of this transmission in the form of a cut up of 2021 news articles (includes contemporary theoretical statement):


(Wars are now being fought over concepts. When will they be fought over code words like Q or paedophile or God or Satan? WHEN DO WE ALL BECOME DOMESTIC TERRORISTS? HAS THIS BEEN IN PLAY SINCE 9/11 OR BEFORE?)

Q The Redeemer waits for benediction in the final photon bath. Millions of believers worldwide in a mind corona, singing to the tune of moldering goldilocks oldie ("Muh-muh-muh my corona! Ooo, my little feverish one, my sweaty one. When dey gonna cover us in LIME, COVEFE!") - family members involved - Luciferian paedophiles represented by the radical Left/Right/Left/Right - if you don't believe in QAnon then you're a paedophile enabler - prime minister's relationship to extremist political conspiracy - having to don the army of Xtian warriors in order to combat it - 4Chan jumping the track into violence - FBI declares domestic terrorism threat but this hasn't happened in Australia -  - The pink mist pervades with alacrity ... people searching for answers with Covid-19 lockdown - ex-QAnon believer says it's the saddest place on the internet - The Great Awakening (same as The Quickening?) - anyone's blog - why do they drink blood? We're using code names in the Q Drop ... Burning Sister says The Queen is a Shapeshifting Reptilian - God save us all from the loony right-left hook - paedophile enablers - forever friends and precious treasures - the little boy is his son, he likes to boast he could pass information to the PM - a picture of them both together ... The child slides off a conveyor belt greased by headlice lotion and smoking like a pope's censure. It speaks left-wing lies with a right-winger's self-righteousness and has the cagey, faux-innocent, come-hither look of a natural born-again paedophile. A bevvy of broken-headed bullies lies in wait, eager to deliver a pinch and a punch, and a devastating right-left-right combination. Child torture and cannibalism in the US government ... the Ritual Ph(r)ase ... once He's awake, He will kick ass ... Who's He When He's At R'yleh? ... CC stands for Codeword Cthulhu ... R'yleh is where the heart sank /// ritual abuse is code they will be heard personally ... they will all be Christmas warriors like Billy ... graysexual warriors of the rosette dawn ... predators thought they could get away with the aid of a broken system - ritual sexual abuse was not the focus of the Royal's a sensitive phrase, crucial for followers ... tweeting in triumph, in ritualized ways and patterns ... we love you and we honour you ... QR is code for Quantum Computer ... the young girl was going through trauma ... you can see the disdain and the pity, but you can't stop yourself ... who do you think Q is? Cosmic experiment on reality from a simulation future ... please don't make copyrighted assertions about what I'm doing. The PM didn't respond to questions about the Hawaii trip. I don't promote or support any kind of violence. Keyboard warriors celebrate Xmas, traitors and terrorists, one and all. The Capitol Hill attack was not Earth at its best. Possible vectors for foreign interference. "I find it deeply offensive I would have any part in this dangerous conspiracy." I am already accused of biased and inaccurate journalism. A war crimes trial masquerading as a defamation action is against the Geneva Conversation. I grieve the loss of the family and their dad. People power is the only thing that can stop political mavericks from endangering us all. Even the Speaker of the House is cracking the shits. Guess he must have crossed the right for people. An imperfect storm of union flags, loathes and phishes. When armies of silence conspire in digitalised darkness, true optimism is dead. We last measured back in 2019 before the pandemic was blessed in the country. A doomy, gloomy new cycle; but fear not, we do covid better than anyone.

And finally, from 2026:


A terrorist organisation made up of unemployed science graduates start using severely autistic "programmables" to commit suicide bombing raids in the offices of unemployment job service providers doing independent benefits assessments. The first incident takes place in Sydney; then, after a few years and the media outrage starts to settle down, further strikes take place in Melbourne, Hobart, Adelaide and Alice Springs. The failed scientists start to join in on the auto-explosive fun. Leading by example, perhaps? These people could have been anyone and done anything like the people who ran Enron and, the derisive derivatives behind the GFC or Australia's own financial golden boy, Slex Greensleeves. As blank in face as an avatar with its thumb up. As the entire nationwide system of private sector welfare assessors grinds to a halt, a manifesto is released ... (details of manifesto redacted) ... Some of the programmables are 70s post-flower children injected with brain implants via smallpox vaccinations by time-travelling nefariables.

... In a spirit of ecumenical corporatism, embracing the ideas of whoever a President’s favourite fascist philosopher of the month is and the inspiration of Russian Cosmicism, a horde of empathy-trained idiots conduct press conferences at a thousand paces. The night has a thousand eyes, all of them looking back, both inwards and outwards. Some have to reverse engineer themselves, the billy backwards boiling. Sometimes brains are blown out with handguns to make a point. Like all male suicides, the notes are written in time rather than on paper.

Meanwhile, from Capitol H, scene of the last great act of domestic terrorism, a wizened warrior of mass destruction with a wolf's counter-factual prophetic wit speaks on the anniversary of a previous act of terrorism. This one ushered in the Great Age of Surveillance. He seeks to justify the removal of a Great Satan of the Sand. He refers to non-existent weapons, among them the source of the current Long Pandemic.

Meanwhile, in a cartoon multiverse...

A parallel known universe in which the god of that known universe is being interrogated by an intergalactic multiversal police force. The all-knowing deity is questioned as to the meaning of existence, the duality of being, the co-emergence of evil and suffering with good and scientific progress, and so on grading imperceptibly into so forth. The answer given to every question is "No comment".



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